Thursday, August 23, 2012

I like Everett Golson

Well, if you missed the news......ok, let's be honest there's no way I'm breaking this news to anyone. As Coach Kelly announced today, Everett Golson will be our (Notre Dame's) starter v. Navy in Dublin. I like him. I'm ready for the visor. He's looking pretty jacked in this press conference from today, and I also liked what he had to say:

In case you missed it, he's going to try to be the best player that he can be. 

After hearing the news, I immediately went to his high school highlights. Not too shabby. 

Here's his entire playing time from the first half of the Blue and Gold Game. I was too lazy to do the second half as well, but you can watch the whole thing here. 

Finally, here are a few links to some articles if you want to do some reading (lol).

Brian Hamilton's (@ChiTribHamilton) Chicago Tribune Article

Annnd the Yahoo! Sports Version.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Game of Thrones Art

Damn, I wish I could draw. This kept me up for a few hours last night:

Here are a few of my favorites (especially the one with Jamie):

Ned Stark, weatherman. 
The Starks, plus Theon.
The Starks, again. Minus Theon. 

The Mother of Dragons

Rhaegar and his harp

Monday, August 20, 2012

Garfield Minus Garfield

This was another top hit for google search "funny online comics." I find it appropriate for Monday morning. As described by it's creator:

Garfield Minus Garfield is a site dedicated to removing Garfield from the Garfield comic strips in order to reveal the existential angst of a certain young Mr. Jon Arbuckle. It is a journey deep into the mind of an isolated young everyman as he fights a losing battle against loneliness and depression in a quiet American suburb. 

I find it hilarious.

Garfield minus Garfield. click there.

Here's a sampling:

Friday, August 17, 2012

Notre Dame responds to Rick Reilly

In case you missed it, which I'm sure you didn't, Rick Reilly posted an angry article about Notre Dame's preferential treatment in the college football universe. Summarized, Rick believes that ND's recent performance is undeserving of the many perks - an exclusive and lucrative NBC contract, bowl payouts every year, and underserved preseason hype - that the football program receives.

I've come across three decent responses from the ND Nation to Rick's plea for a "downgrade" of Irish football. I present them here in order of effectiveness. All of them are from Domers, so there is obviously bias here, but i think they all make some good points.

3. Mike Golic on ESPNRadio's Mike & Mike in the morning.

Mike's basic point is that it isn't Notre Dame's 'fault' that they are overrated. Now, this really isn't a great response. I'm not sure Rick was saying that it's Notre Dame's fault, and Mr. Golic seems to be attacking a point that was never made.

It really starts to get good around the 2 minute mark when Golic gets all fired up and yelling directly at Rick. The main reasons I include this is because (a) it's Mike Golic and (b) he calls Reilly stupid, asinine, and several other good zingers.

2. "Rick Reilly is Dead Wrong About Notre Dame"

I've never heard of this site before, but this is the first article that comes up when you google "Rick Reilly v. Notre Dame." Tyler Moorehead of College Spun and an English major at ND makes some worthwhile points here and it's a quick read. The highlights:

"First of all, [Reilly] believes that Notre Dame doesn’t deserve a share of bowl revenues. But he isn’t writing the article about a team like Northwestern, which rarely reaches a bowl game and still receives the same share of revenue as the rest of the Big Ten. He’s singling out the Irish, giving them even more “undeserved attention and hype." He’s making his article a self-fulfilling prophecy."

"Reilly claims that Notre Dame is not a national brand, because it lost to Tulsa in 2010. If that is the case, Appalachian State was the undoing of Michigan as a brand, and Boise State put an end to Oklahoma years ago. Give me a break."

"One big problem I have is his claim that “somebody needs to do something” and his pleading to the NCAA and college football’s conference commissioners to put an end to Notre Dame’s prominence. But these powerful figures are catering to the school because, unlike Reilly, they realize its worth and prestige."

and a great tweet from ND columnist John Walters is also included:

@jdubs88: The utter *$%@ IRONY of a writer who was at the top of HIS game 20 years ago but now earns more $$$ than anyone in our field calling out ND for taking the $$ it can get is beyond hilarious. And I may have fractured a friendship w/ that comment, Rick, but it’s what everyone is thinking. You wanna prove ND doesn’t matter? Go write 2,000 words on Clemson. You didn’t, did you? It’s called the free market. No one is forcing NBC to give ND that $$$, just like no one forced John Walsh to give u a 7-fig salary"

(...not sure that's 140 characters)

1) Rick Reilly is Lazy and Wrong.

Maybe I was just fooled by the references to logical fallacies in this article, but it was by far the best pro-ND response I've seen to Reilly. It essentially goes line-by-line and calls Reilly out for every dumb comment that he makes. There are a few parts where the author sounds idiotic, but I can chalk that up to being a hardcore fan and leave it at that. Otherwise, this is great and I am really happy about what is said here. Not giving you any highlights because I want you to read it. 

Now if Notre Dame can just stop making their schedule so damn ridiculous every year maybe they can have a shot at a championship soon. 

Go Irish. 

New Homeland Trailer

Season 1 of Homeland was amazing. If you haven't seen it yet, do it now. 

Here's the trailer for season 2 that was released today. Combined with the music, it's pretty awesome:

A couple things I'm excited to see:

- all of the characters I love from season 1, including the two quirky brothers who help Carrie do her rogue investigating.

- Brody kissing the Qur'an.

- Carrie apparently going undercover. Hopefully (likely) unsanctioned by the CIA.

- Carrie and Saul abroad. Whether they're flashbacks or real-time, scenes in the middle east are always intense.

And of course, the best part of the trailer is seeing Brody washing blood off of himself at a car wash in the middle of the night. Trailers are always sneaky, i.e. this could just be a anticlimactic scene where he accidentally spilled tomato juice on himself, but this one seems promising. The whole season seems promising.

Overall, I'm pumped.

As a sidenote, a kind commentor on YouTube noted that this trailer is 'a complete ripoff of the Downton Abbey Season 2 trailer,' and to him I say:

Even if Showtime did use the same exact song and theme or whatever he claims, there's no way they didn't improve it. 


So there's this story that's been getting a lot of attention lately:

"Three members of Russian female punk rock band Pussy Riot were sentenced to two years in prison Friday after they were found guilty of hooliganism for performing a song critical of President Vladimir Putin in a church." - CNN

First of all, the band's name is 'Pussy Riot.' That's pure gold. My theory is that they just wanted to get in trouble to get attention because their music sucks. And hey, good for them. Madonna was wearing their band's name on her back during a performance, and news anchors everywhere are going to be saying 'Pussy Riot' all day long (which is another great aspect of this story). 

And while my first reaction was to guffaw at this backward foreign country and scream "USA IS BETTER THAN EVERY COUNTRY EVER!!," I did a little more research and decided that these chicks actually do deserve to be punished. 

See, if you look at what the band actually did, it's pretty evident that they weren't simply arrested for, what CNN claims, "screaming, 'Mother Mary, please drive Putin away,' in a protest act in February inside Christ Savior Cathedral." They set up an entire drumset and electric guitar on the alter of the church and were screaming their shitty music while nuns and police officers were trying to ask them to leave. Yeah, I get it, that's the whole definition of a 'protest,' but this really isn't the freedom of speech issue that a lot celebrities are trying to turn it into. They were being disruptive and obnoxious on private property, and that's against the law. I'm sure they wouldn't have been arrested for performing this at a concert or even in a square out in the city, which is what a lot of people are assuming when they see these headlines.

 I think a big problem might be the retarded name for the offense - hooliganism - that is getting Americans all worked up. Maybe disturbing the peace or being a public nuisance or trespassing or resisting arrest might ring a little truer to our ears. I watched drunk black man get tasered on cops yesterday for screaming at people in front of a seven-eleven and refusing to cooperate, i.e. being a hooligan, but I don't see Madonna with his name on her back.

Madonna supports the Imprisoned 'hooligans'

And in the end, this is exactly what the band wanted. Their story is now global and everyone is talking about the political structure in Russia. This isn't a freedom of speech issue, so shut up you morons who are claiming that it is one. They were free to speak. I heard them, and so will millions of others. Similarly, if there are other people out there who want to speak and be heard, they know exactly how to get it done. 

And while 2 years might be a pretty severe punishment, I'm sure they were smart enough to know that a punishment was coming. They hit the jackpot with this news coverage and I'm sure it will pay off in the long run in album sales and concert tickets. Nice work, ladies.  

Thursday, August 16, 2012


if were to give my blog a subtitle, it would be: 

i thought it was just going to be a fart, but a (b)log came out. 

The Oatmeal


a friend just posted a funny comic on facebook from this website called "The Oatmeal." it's also the first website that comes up when you google search "funny online comics." so i explored it for a while. 

most of it was funny, some of it was corny.  I just clicked 'random' for a while and it was pretty entertaining. i was laughing out loud at a lot of the stuff. It's worth at least a few minutes of procrastination. Here are my top 5 links from the site:

4) An Inquiry into Juicy Fruit - i always end up with 15 pieces in my mouth to keep the flavor going. 

3) WTF, Cracker Jacks?!? - how did i not realize they switched from boxes to bags?

2) Minor Differences - go through all the galleries. 

1) WWDDD - hahah. "What you call love was invented by guys like me to sell nylons." 

***and of course an honorable mention for a beard reference and a Song of Ice and Fire themed comic:***